We are looking for a candidate specializing in international macroeconomics and trade, with strong knowledge of trade mo...
We are inviting applications for a Post-doctoral Associate in the Division of Social Science at NYU Abu Dhabi from indiv...
The post-doctoral associate will spend half their time on independent research, and half their time on collaborative res...
We seek a candidate whose fields of specialization include Labor/Public/Political Economy and who is interested ......
The post-doctoral associate will spend half their time on independent research, and half their time on collaborative res...
The Economics Program in the Division of Social Science at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) is inviting application...
The ideal candidate will be a well-trained, self-motivated, hard-working, professional, equally capable of working alone...
You are invited to apply for an academic support position as instructor with the rank open, depending on experience....