Social Sciences Program Administration jobs
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Found 4 Employer, Full Time, Four-Year Institution, North America jobs
The Greenville Technical College Area Commission invites applications for the position of president of Greenville Technical College.
Diversity Job
President Savannah, Georgia Savannah State University is seeking a highly motivated, visionary, and charismatic leader to serve as its next Presi...
Diversity Job
Under the direction of the CEO of Berklee Online / Senior Vice President of Pre-College, Online, and Professional Programs, the Dean of Pre-College,
Diversity Job
Duties: The Associate Director for Educational Programs is responsible for designing, overseeing, and teaching, along with other librarians, the Law S
Howard University (HU) invites applications and nominations for the position of Chair of the Department of Political Science.
Program Director and Associate/Full Professor of Graduate Psychology Chatham University, in partnership with the national search firm Scott Healy & As
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