We are inviting applications for a Post-doctoral Associate in the Division of Social Science at NYU Abu Dhabi from indiv...
We are inviting applications for a Post-doctoral Associate in the Division of Social Science at NYU Abu Dhabi from indiv...
The post-doctoral associate will spend half their time on independent research, and half their time on collaborative res...
We seek a candidate whose fields of specialization include Labor/Public/Political Economy and who is interested ......
The candidate will conduct research on issues of labor migration and commodities markets, and complete other miscellaneo...
The post-doctoral associate will spend half their time on independent research, and half their time on collaborative res...
The ideal candidate will be a well-trained, self-motivated, hard-working, professional, equally capable of working alone...
The Social Science Experimental Laboratory (SSEL), New York University Abu Dhabi, seeks to recruit a post-doctoral resea...